How to manage translations well?


In the era of faster and faster flow of information all over the world, there is a growing demand for appropriate specialists in the field of translation. Although a simple translator is enough for the needs of most people, when it comes to more complex issues, you have to devote much more time to them and manage them better.

Historical background to the profession of translator

The profession of translator has existed since the dawn of time, i.e. since different dialects appeared in the world. When people from both groups did not want, or had no opportunity to learn another language on their own, then the person who had already learnt them came to the aid. Therefore, translators existed from the beginning of man's conscious action. Despite their seemingly subordinate role, they have made a major contribution over the course of time to the development of various areas such as politics, diplomacy and trade.

Freedom of choice

Nowadays, the areas where there is a need for an interpreter are even more extensive. There are about 3000 languages, many of which are popular and constantly used. The movement of the world's population itself also has an impact on market demand, so that the translator can find a job in any form. Thanks to the development of technology, translating various commissioned texts is much quicker and easier, and new companies and programs are emerging on the market, aimed at improving the management of the entire process.

the profession of translator

Supporting modernity at work

The so-called CAT tools certainly have a great impact on the industry. The abbreviation comes from the phrase computer-assisted translation. This can be described as supporting the skills and knowledge of a translator by a computer, without completely relinquishing it, as is the case with traditional translators. Therefore, CAT programmes are often wrongly confused with them. The software, in addition to the above mentioned assistance in translation, can check databases, translator's glossaries and the appropriate spelling and grammar of the materials on which they work. The most trusted proposals in this area are paid SDL Trados and OmegaT, operating in the open source model.

Internet revolution in management

In addition to programmes relating to the translation itself, products strictly designed for this purpose have a great impact on the activities of companies focused on this issue and their management. Such solutions are mainly based on online project coordination, allowing you to monitor the workflow on an ongoing basis. One of the possibilities is a product from XTRF, which offers the so-called translation management system, i.e. the translation management system.

"Use Translation Management System features to outperform your competitors and win clients thanks to your business capabilities rather than lower prices'. -

Everyone has his or her own responsibilities

The system is based on the interaction of three integrated portals. Each of them is dedicated to a different group of recipients. There is a portal for customers, translation companies and sales departments. They have unique features and authorizations, corresponding to the needs of a given group. The portals themselves are conducive to greater automation of works, their better control, as well as smooth cooperation between the three mentioned recipients. Portals have many valuable statistics, and their arrangement can be configured in any way. The manufacturer emphasizes that with the use of the XTRF system, the earnings of the company using it also increase. The reason for this is faster and more efficient project management, which increases overall efficiency.

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