On the marketing market there are more and more companies that specialize in content marketing. This is due to the fact that the demand for valuable, unique and engaging content is constantly increasing and competition is growing. Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to gain customer trust and loyalty, and thus build long-term relationships with the customer. The content, which is addressed directly to customers, allows to gain active supporters of the brand, but the right effects can only be achieved through properly conducted actions.
What is content marketing?
Content marketing, or content marketing, is a marketing strategy applied in the network, the aim of which is to attract regular customers. It consists mainly in publishing and promoting valuable content for a given group of recipients. These actions are not one-sided - it is a whole undertaking, which leads to building intensive and long-lasting relations with customers, which over time are also based on emotions.
The most important activities of content marketing consist in creating and publishing interesting content, attracting the attention of potential customers, building commitment and loyalty of those customers. Companies that specialize in content marketing are involved in creating content and distributing it online. The content can take a variety of forms, e.g. films, articles, multimedia presentations, graphics, diagrams or webinars. The form of the published content is very important, as is its substantive content. This is due to the fact that for Google these issues have a direct impact on the visibility of the website in the search engine. It is not difficult to notice that content marketing has a direct impact on SEO and website positioning. High quality materials, which are published on the site, improves the position of the site in search results. It is worth remembering that content marketing is carried out not only online, but also outside the network - the content is delivered to customers via leaflets, brochures, trade press or newspapers.
What are the benefits of content marketing?
Content marketing is a chance to almost triple the number of leads compared to traditional marketing activities. A potential customer usually uses about 11 sources to obtain information about the product before deciding to buy it. Therefore, content marketing is the best chance to build a fast relationship with the customer by providing him with the information he needs.
An unquestionable benefit of this type of activity is also the ability to build a positive image of the company, which is very important. In addition, content marketing gives the opportunity to create positive associations with the brand of the selected product. This is due to the fact that almost 82% of consumers who came into contact with marketing content perceive a company in a more positive way than competing companies. Therefore, it is worth taking care of content marketing, because it has a large impact on the profits that the company achieves.