What are technical translations?


Translations from and into foreign languages from Polish are quite a heterogeneous group of services. Interpreting is characterised by a completely different nature than translation. They also require quite different qualifications from a translator. The group of translations itself does not lack separate categories, such as sworn and non-sworn translations, medical or technical translations. When you order a text to be translated, it is worth knowing what the translator will have to deal with. This will allow you to choose the right office and person. When it comes to technical translations, Kraków has many translation agencies that are able to provide them. What are the characteristics of this group of translations?

Translation - not such a simple task

Translation of written text is not an easy task, despite appearances. It is not enough to know a foreign language to a high degree. What else should a good translator be able to do?

Use their mother tongue perfectly

Without this it is difficult to translate both from Polish into foreign language and vice versa. The finished text should sound good, not only to convey the original content directly.

Be able to give the text a form

Formatting the finished text is also an important competence of the translator. This is not only about documents, which absolutely must be given an official form, but also about ordinary texts. Formatting requires aesthetics and transparency.

Use style fluently

Not every text is maintained in the same style. The translation of a court letter requires a completely different formulation of sentences than the translation of an advertising text. A good translator should have enough control over the style to adapt it well to current needs and orders.


Special qualifications

In order to provide specialist translations, it is necessary to know the specificity of a given field. That is why medical translators are not short of doctors or medical students, and technical translations are made by persons educated in technical faculties. Also for legal translation it is worth going to a translator-lawyer.

What is the essence of technical translations?

In order to make a good technical translation, a translator must not only know the language. It should also be absolutely familiar with the area covered by the text. An instruction manual, technical specification or a description of a new machine made as a literal translation, one to one, will probably be useless.

Technical translations are made mainly in order to introduce new equipment from foreign markets to Poland or vice versa, to spread the Polish project on foreign markets. HTML codes, drug leaflets, invoices and technical documentation are also translated in this way.

What does a translator need to produce good technical translations? First of all, knowledge of a wide, specialized vocabulary in a given field. In addition, the translator should be able to adapt the text to the recipient. The washing machine manual, which should be understood by everyone, sounds different, and the scientific article on the implementation of the engine prototype, addressed to specialists, sounds different. If you need technical translations Krakow will be up to the task - there is no shortage of good agencies with valued translators.

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