Accounting and invoices in the company - what to choose?


In every registered company it is necessary to keep accounts. Even if the very fact of issuing invoices forces us to current tax settlements or paying insurance premiums. And this is only a part of the activities within the general accounting. Would it be better to choose an invoice issuing program - or would you rather use the services of an experienced accountant? When to choose an external company and when it is better to invest in a new employee?

There is no clear answer to all these questions, because a lot depends on what our expectations are. Let's check, therefore, when it is worth deciding on specific solutions, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

Employment of an accountant

This solution is chosen primarily by companies that are larger and have extensive monthly financial commitments to settle. With the employment of an accountant you gain confidence that all accounting documents are kept in a professional manner. She is the one who issues invoices and receipts, clears them, but also regulates payments and pays the state.

The downside is certainly the need to conduct a recruitment process in the hope that we will find a professional employee. The employment of an additional person in the company also requires the creation of a workplace with the necessary tools and payment of a fixed salary. However, it guarantees that the accountant has an exclusive right to an accountant, also with an agreement on business secrets.

Accounting office

An alternative solution is an accounting office. Usually it will cost us much less than the additional employee and we can settle only for the actual work done and its effect. The downside is that we are one of many companies operated by the same people. The office often works well for monthly, quarterly or annual settlements, but we still need an additional program to issue invoices. In this way, we generate revenues on an ongoing basis with the necessary documents, and these are presented only in the office in a given accounting period.

Online program and accounting

One of the most frequently used alternatives are various online bookkeeping and programs, thanks to which you can freely issue all the necessary documents. An extensive invoicing program gives you the opportunity to obtain sales documents tailored to your product warehouses. This makes the whole process even simpler. Usually the cost of online accounting is not high, and with the invoicing software you pay either together or separately.

However, if we have few documents of one type to settle and we run a simple one-man business, a good solution would be to use the invoicing software and at the same time run our own accounting. This is a good thing, especially when we want to reduce costs. Knowledge of all the recipes can be found online!

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